Project description

MIS ETC Code 1379
Project title: Cross-border access infrastructure to high-level education through web-casts
Acronym: EduWebCast
Web cast system can be access here: WebCast System
The project IPA cross-border cooperation programme Romania-Serbia 2007-2013. The project intents to increase cooperation between local universities and faculties, as well as training and exchange of knowledge, experience and spread of good practice.
is financed under
to achieve the more balanced and sustainable education from the Romanian-Serbian border area thru the educational webcasting and video streaming of educational materials. The institutions involved in this project are Politehnic University of Timisoara, Romania (UPT) and Technical faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” – Zrenjanin, Serbia (TFZR).
Within this project the
and for in the area of are made. The seven lectures are made by seven Romanian lecturers and five lectures are made by four Serbian lecturers. These lectures are:- Digital Microsystems (UPT),
- Modeling and simulation (UPT),
- Mobile computing (UPT),
- Computer fundamentals (UPT),
- Programming languages (UPT),
- Electrical engineering (UPT),
- Project management (UPT),
- Artificial intelligence (TFMP),
- Fuzzy systems (TFMP),
- Machine learning (TFMP),
- IT project management (TFMP),
- Computer networks (TFMP)
News and recent activities related to the and Twitter account
can be find on Facebook page:Besides providing information regarding the state of the art in the subjects it tackles, the portal serves as a modern learning tool for Romanian and Serbian students and pupils who will have access to lectures without being present in the location. Of course, the to all other students, researchers and lecturers from the universities, high schools and companies in the Romania-Serbia cross-border area, whole Romania and Serbia, neighboring countries and all other interested persons from all over the world. .